Steel jali anti cockroach trap 1 piece, 4 Inch with center hole

Product ID: 22423

179 299 40.13% Off
Stock: Shpchrg:
    • Material: Floor Drains are manufactured in High Grade stainless steel having non-corrosive and rust-resistant strong & durable.
    • Features: easily removable Drain cover offers sophisticated looks and ensures fast water drainage. The drain jali has a rotating lock to prevent rodents from entering the bathroom and avoids displacement of jali where there is a high flow of water.
    • Easy to maintain- Removable Grate/Jali allows hassle-free maintenance, avoid using harsh cleaning detergents, Eco-friendly and reusable packaging, Available in 4 .
    • Applications: Contemporary Drain Jali is perfect for any bathroom or decor setting, Suitable for 4” and above diameter drain pipes. "

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